News from the DISTRACT project
New edited volume: “The Digital Backlash and the Paradoxes of Disconnection”
2024.09.17 -
DISTRACT looking for 1-2 student assistants
2024.07.12 -
New edited book: The Economic Lives of Platforms - Rethinking the Political Economy of Digital Markets
2024.06.26 -
Emilie Munch Gregersen and Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard facilitated a workshop at UAB
2024.06.18 -
Morten Axel Pedersen and Emilie Munch Gregersen presented at UCPH Spring Festival
2024.06.12 -
Helene Willadsen will present at 2nd International Conference on the Economics of Working Environment
2024.05.27 -
Does your heart beat in sync with others'? DISTRACT at UCPH Spring Festival
2024.05.22 -
Malene Hornstrup Jespersen presents at COMPTEXT 2024
2024.05.21 -
Emilie Munch Gregersen presents EthNote for Anthropology master students at UCPH
2024.05.14 -
New DISTRACT paper: "Who makes open source code? The hybridisation of commercial and open source practices"
2024.05.07 -
Helene Willadsen presents at Trygfonden seminar at Aarhus University
2024.05.02 -
DISTRACT Talk next Friday, May 3rd, with Rie Kristensen & Signe Vangkilde
2024.04.24 -
New CPH Tech Policy Brief by DISTRACT researchers
2024.03.18 -
Attending in the Attention Economy - DISTRACT Talk with Jelle Bruineberg
2024.03.05 -
New paper: "Measures of cognitive ability and choice inconsistency"
2024.02.29 -
DISTRACT Talk this Friday, March 1st, with Jelle Bruineberg
2024.02.26 -
DISTRACT research note: "Ukrainian refugee solidarity mobilization online"
2024.02.22 -
DISTRACT article: "How app companies use GitHub: on modes of valuation in the digital attention economy"
2024.02.15 -
DISTRACT PhDs present at SODAS PhD Days
2024.02.13 -
New article: "New methodologies for the digital age? How methods (re-)organize research using social media data"
2024.02.08 -
Ethnote's rejsegilde
2024.01.19 -
Morten Axel Pedersen gave talk at the research seminar in Cultural Anthropology at Uppsala University
2024.01.04 -
Ethnote test-event held at SODAS
2023.12.19 -
Emilie Munch Gregersen presents Ethnote at Maastricht University Ethnography group's monthly sessions
2023.12.07 -
Denmark Disconnected? Presentation of preliminary survey results
2023.12.05 -
New article: "Exposure to urban and rural contexts shapes smartphone usage behavior"
2023.12.05 -
Panel on open science in social science at the SAMF Research Day
2023.11.30 -
Panel discussion on digital dependencies at Tech Policy Days
2023.11.21 -
New paper: "Computerantropologi"
2023.10.30 -
Toward an Inter-Machine Sociology - DISTRACT talk with Christian Borch & Nicholas Skar-Gislinge
2023.09.21 -
Methods diversity in social data science
2023.09.13 -
Presentation of EthNote at MEGA seminar
2023.08.25 -
"The Festival Feeling"
2023.06.29 -
Eva Iris Otto defends PhD thesis
2023.06.29 -
DISTRACT in the news: on the Folkemøde study in Politiken
2023.06.12 -
Screens, sociality, and attention: Morten Axel Pedersen and Kristoffer Albris interviewed by Berlingske Tidende
2023.06.07 -
Festivalmennesket - DISTRACT presentation at the BLOOM festival
2023.06.01 -
Fieldwork in Silence - Presentation at conference in Toronto
2023.05.31 -
Art made by artificial intelligence - Morten Axel Pedersen on Danish Radio
2023.05.02 -
Conference panel on attention organized by Eva Iris Otto
2023.04.17 -
New publication: How app companies use GitHub
2023.04.12 -
ADHD as desynchronization - DISTRACT talk by Mikka Nielsen
2023.03.10 -
Machine Anthropology: editorial introduction to special issue in Big Data & Society
2023.03.10 -
New publication: Inter-Risk Framing Contests
2023.02.12 -
New publication: Digital Dependence
2023.02.12 -
DISTRACT team presents at Danish Parliament
2023.02.08 -
Presentation of Ethnoplatform at Als Research consultancy
2023.01.18 -
DISTRACT researchers receive Carlsberg grant to develop the Ethnoplatform
2022.12.19 -
How do Danish app-companies gather user-data?
2022.12.16 -
Cross-country survey on digital disconnection habits
2022.11.28 -
Presentation: "Personalisation – building ‘good’ apps within the attention economy"
2022.11.28 -
The Meaning in the Machine - August Lohse presents at DDAS
2022.11.14 -
How Robust is Open Source? Peter Mehler gives Data Discussion presentation
2022.11.11 -
Kristoffer Albris gives conference presentation on inter-risk framing contests
2022.11.02 -
Poster presentation at conference on Quantitative Ethnography by Sofie Astrupgaard
2022.10.28 -
See You Later Thick Data! Blog series on Anthrodendum
2022.09.29 -
DISTRACT participates in LSE workshop on attention
2022.09.16 -
Field Experiment at the Peoples’ Meeting
2022.07.07 -
Digital Detox Camps: presentation at ICA Preconference
2022.06.07 -
Er du afhængig af din mobiltelefon? Podcast: Future Loading
2022.05.30 -
Data ethics and AI in public administration
2022.05.30 -
Silent Retreat on Samsø
2022.05.16 -
New publication in Big Data & Society: Computational grounded theory revisited
2022.05.12 -
DISTRACT Seminar with Ivana Konvalinka
2022.05.06 -
Morten Axel Pedersen in the news commenting on the effect of parties
2022.05.03 -
Theory retreat in Copenhagen
2022.04.28 -
New publication: “Affective Publics” Performing Trust on Danish Twitter during the COVID-19 Lockdown
2022.04.19 -
A social data science perspective on the war in Ukraine
2022.04.07 -
Eva Otto in debate: Does surveillance improve our lives?
2022.03.07 -
Sofie Læbo and August Lohse held a presentation at Roskilde Katedralskole
2022.03.03 -
Kristoffer Albris in the news commenting on the perception of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy
2022.03.03 -
New publication in Nature Human Behavior
2022.02.28 -
DISTRACT seminar with Søren Kyllingsbæk: Attention and Intentions
2022.02.28 -
New publication: Grøn Genstart - A quali-quantitative micro-history of a political idea in real-time
2022.02.27 -
Deadline March 6: Apply now for a student position on the DISTRACT project
2022.02.17 -
Morten Axel Pedersen and Eva Otto visit ITU to present at TIP Salon
2022.02.09 -
Publication retreat vol 2
2022.01.26 -
Post-platform Capitalism? – Rethinking the political economy of digital markets.
2022.01.20 -
Morten Axel Pedersen appointed to the Royal Academy of Science
2022.01.10 -
Effect of visible scalar feedback counts on user behavior in kids’ social media
2021.12.17 -
Ethics workshop with Prof. Peter Sandøe
2021.12.10 -
DISTRACT seminar with Naja Hulvej Rod: Smartphone Interrupted Sleep: a New Public Health Challenge
2021.12.10 -
Mapping intra governmental conflict using document embeddings
2021.12.07 -
Helene Willadsen presents at conference for Quantitative Educational Research
2021.11.26 -
DISTRACT seminar with Andreas Lieberoth: "What do people mean when they talk about "screen time"?
2021.11.19 -
Kristoffer Albris appointed to the TechDK Commission
2021.11.18 -
DISTRACT collaboration with LEGO
2021.11.12 -
Presentation at DIIS: Digital Methods and Qualitative Research
2021.11.08 -
Eva Otto presents at The Anthropology of Technology Conference
2021.11.05 -
Presentation at DTU - Ethics: Data, Algorithms, and AI
2021.11.05 -
New journal article on volunteering and care during the corona lockdown
2021.11.02 -
DISTRACT seminar: Networks of Power - by Signe Sophus Lai and Sofie Flensburg
2021.10.29 -
Morten Axel Pedersen discusses Facebook's Metaverse on Danish Radio
2021.10.25 -
Data Discussion: Data intensive fieldwork at the Danish Peoples Meeting
2021.10.08 -
Studying the Digital Backlash: International seminar organized by DISTRACT
2021.09.27 -
Jeppe Høy Christensen from Eriksholm Research Center visits DISTRACT
2021.09.24 -
Peter Halkier Nicolajsen from LEGO visits DISTRACT
2021.09.17 -
Two new publications in Big Data & Society
2021.09.17 -
Presentation on data ethics and democracy
2021.09.14 -
New publication: The Political Economy of Attention
2021.08.12 -
Kristoffer Albris on friendships during corona
2021.06.30 -
DISTRACT researchers study the People's Meeting (Folkemødet) as political attention laboratory
2021.06.25 -
Talk by Olivier Driessens
2021.06.11 -
Talk by Odysseus Stone on attention and mindfulness
2021.05.28 -
Data+ grants for DISTRACT researchers
2021.05.25 -
Deadline Aug 15: PhD scholarship in Social Data Science on the DISTRACT project
2021.04.29 -
Paula Helm (Uni of Tübingen) on "Problematic use and addictive design"
2021.04.23 -
Selling the promise of presence: talk at Oslo University
2021.04.21 -
What is Data Worth?
2021.04.21 -
Mariek Vanden Abeele (Tilburg Uni) on "Digital Wellbeing in a Culture of Ubiquitous Connectivity"
2021.04.16 -
Blogpost on student attention in the online school
2021.04.06 -
Presentation day at DISTRACT
2021.03.27 -
Mapping Github
2021.03.15 -
Risk, Time and Social Preferences in Children
2021.03.11 -
Measuring the effects of distraction in politics
2021.03.09 -
Pupil's attention - a survey from a teacher perspective
2021.03.02 -
Zetland reports on DISTRACT logbook study during corona lockdown
2021.02.27 -
Digital Technologies in a Danish Context
2021.02.23 -
Issues in Fair Science
2021.02.19 -
Morten Axel Pedersen in the news commenting on Google searches during corona
2021.02.17 -
Empirical research in times of lockdown
2021.02.04 -
Prof. Trine Syvertsen gave DISTRACT seminar talk
2021.01.29 -
Launching a new DISTRACT project: Folkemødet
2021.01.27 -
Finalising 2020 at DISTRACT
2020.12.21 -
Anna Sapienza on large-scale smartphone usage
2020.12.13 -
Will algorithms be our doom?
2020.12.09 -
Ethics Advisor Peter Sandøe visits DISTRACT
2020.12.07 -
Jesper Aagaard on how to handle digital technologies
2020.11.28 -
Presentation of DISTRACT work
2020.11.25 -
Kristoffer Albris keynote at Copenhagen Centre for Regulatory Science
2020.11.23 -
Focus group interview on corona/climate article
2020.11.16 -
Special Issue Call for papers: Digital Mistrust
2020.11.16 -
DISTRACT Co-PI, David Dreyer Lassen, publishes new study on smartphone use and academic performance
2020.11.08 -
Virtual special issue on digital methods
2020.11.05 -
Ulrik Lyngs on digital self-control tools
2020.11.01 -
Morten Axel Pedersen gives lecture at UCL on Quali-quantitative Analyses of Attention Economies during the Covid-19 Lockdown
2020.10.05 -
Upcoming presentation of quali-quantitative analysis of covid-19 lockdown
2020.09.24 -
How We Tweet About Corona Virus
2020.09.08 -
Panel debate on social media and civil society
2020.09.03 -
Children are not necessarily addicted to screens
2020.09.02 -
Analogue Idyll symposium
2020.08.25 -
Eva Iris Otto gives Tech Terrace Talk
2020.08.24 -
Mobile phones and distractions in classrooms: nuances needed
2020.08.20 -
Publication seminar and retreat
2020.08.20 -
Goodbye to smalltalk: DISTRACT corona research in the news
2020.08.04 -
Digital climate-activism in a Scandinavian corona-era
2020.07.02 -
The corona lockdown has changed our gaming patterns
2020.07.01 -
Strengthening close relationships during the lockdown: a quali-quantitative study
2020.06.25 -
Data Discussion: Online Gaming During Corona
2020.06.19 -
Podcast on the Twitter-Corona analysis
2020.06.01 -
Data Discussion: Lockdown Ethnography
2020.05.29 -
Thyge Ryom Enggaard on P1 Radio
2020.05.27 -
The lockdown has changed tweets about corona
2020.05.16 -
Data Discussion: Is Attention Actually Finite?
2020.05.15 -
Issue Attention: Corona or Climate?
2020.05.14 -
How We Tweet About Coronavirus and Why
2020.05.12 -
Workshop: A New Fieldnote Standard in XML
2020.05.01 -
Ethics workshop with Professor Peter Sandøe
2020.04.21 -
What catches the attention of Twitter-Denmark during the Corona-pandemic?
2020.04.07 -
Methods workshop with Laura Nelson
2020.03.24 -
DISTRACT gets funding for research on corona
2020.03.20 -
Presentation at Center for Information and Bubble Studies
2020.02.28 -
2020.02.03 -
Machine Anthropology workshop