14 May 2020

Issue Attention: Corona or Climate?

DISTRACT Co-PI Anders Blok is heading a new project funded by the Velux Foundation, which examines how the COVID-19 crisis affects the green transition in the current attention economy. Will the COVID-19 crisis crowd out or support the green transition? Other DISTRACT team members are also part of the project, including Morten Axel Pedersen, Kristoffer Albris, Hjalmar Bang Carlsen and Tobias Gårdhus.

Read more about the project here: https://sodas.ku.dk/research/is-the-corona-pandemic-supporting-or-crowding-out-the-attention-towards-green-transition/?fbclid=IwAR172pJI2fVEYbWkytB-ygFxk1rLWRrhRufEyBP4ZUCecEKQXN9bRy1lLxk