- Research projects and labs
DISTRACT brings together social science and data science methods to explore the political economy of distraction in the post-digital age. Combining qualitative and quantitative data, our interdisciplinary team investigates the mental, social and material techniques by which attention is captured, retained, and distracted in the world’s most digitized country, Denmark.
EthNote: A new digitale tool for field note collection, sharing, and processing. Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard and Emilie Munch Gregersen facilitated a workshop at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona- 10 June 2024.
Festivalfølelsen. Morten Axel Pedersen and Emilie Munch Gregersen gave a presentation on UCPH Spring Festival. 31 May 2024.
On the topic of modeling: A framework for the comparison of topic modeling approaches used to map discourse about the digital backlash. Malene Hornstrup Jespersen gave a presentation at COMPTEXT 2024. 3 May 2024.
Gender Differences in Choice of Educational: Evidence from a Large-Scale Survey Experiment. Helene Willadsen gave a presentation at Aarhus University in the TrygFonden's Child Research Seminar Series. 25 April 2024.
Machine Anthropology: The potentials and pitfalls of making anthropology quantitative, again. Morten Axel Pedersen gave a talk at the research seminar in Cultural Anthropology at Uppsala University. 6 December 2023.
How concerned are people about their ‘screen time’? Malene Hornstrup Jespersen and Kristoffer Albris gave presentation to CPH Tech Policy Committee at the Crown Princess Mary Center at SAMF. 06 March 2024.
Denmark Disconnected? Malene Hornstrup Jespersen and Kristoffer Albris gave presentation to Policy Fellows at the Crown Princess Mary Center at SAMF. 05 December 2023.
EthNote: An Open Source Tool. Emilie Munch Gregersen gave a presentation about the EthNote software to the Maastricht University Ethnography Group. 30 November 2023.
Panel on open science in social science at the SAMF Research Day. Malene Hornstrup Jespersen participated in panel debate on open science. 21 November 2023.
Methods Diversity in Social Data Science. Kristoffer Albris. Presentation to data scientists at LEGO. 13 September, 2023.
Embracing Tech for better or for worse: creating good data for collaborative and interdisciplinary studies. Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard and Emilie Munch Gregersen. MEGA seminar, Danish Anthropologists. 21 August, 2023.
Festivalmennesket. Morten Axel Pedersen, Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard, Emilie Munch Gregersen. BLOOM Science Festival. 28 May. 2023.
Fieldwork in Silence: A Protocol for (Auto)ethnographic Research on Meta-attentional Practices. Malene Hornstrup Jespersen. ICA Preconference: Key themes in digital disconnection research: Authenticity, wellness, datafication and power, Toronto, Canada. 25 May. 2023.
Responsiveness through social media: Are politicians expressed (issue) priorities driven by social media feedback? August Lohse. SODAS Data Discussion. 12 May, 2023.
The democratic consequences of platform design: How/If Facebook reactions changed participation in politics. Hjalmar Bang Carlsen. SODAS Data Discussion. 12 May, 2023.
Machine Anthropology. Morten Axel Pedersen. University of Edinburgh, Department of Anthropology. 24 Mar. 2023.
At Måle den Gode Stemning. Morten Axel Pedersen, August Lohse, and Emilie Munch Gregersen. Foreningen Folkemødet (People's Meeting) nytårskur i Landstingssalen på Christiansborg (Danish Parliament). 26 Jan. 2023.
Broad Data and the Ethnoplatform. Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard and Kristoffer Albris. Als Research, Copenhagen. 18 Jan. 2023.
How do Danish app-companies gather user-data? Eva Iris Otto. DataBeers. Copenhagen. 30 Nov. 2022.
Past and future survey plan: In Switzerland, The Netherlands, Denmark and cross-country comparisons. Malene Hornstrup Jespersen. Digitox research seminar, University of Oslo, Norway. 23 Nov. 2022.
Personalisation – building ‘good’ apps within the attention economy. Eva Iris Otto. American Anthropological Association (AAA) annual meeting, Seattle, WA. 9 Nov. 2022.
The Meaning in the Machine. August Lohse. Danish Data Science Conference. 7 Nov. 2022.
How Robust is Open Source? An Analysis of the Global Github Dependency Network. Peter Gregory Mehler. SODAS Data Discussion. 11 Nov. 2022.
Inter-risk framing contests. The politics of issue attention among Scandinavian climate NGOs during the coronavirus pandemic. Kristoffer Albris. Northern European Emergency and Disaster Studies Conference (NEEDS). Copenhagen, 02 Nov. 2022.
The EthnoPlatform: Creating a tool for collaborative data collection and computational processing of ethnographic fieldnotes. Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard. Conference on Quantitative Ethnography. Copenhagen, 21 Oct. 2022.
Personalization: Building Attention Subjects within the Digital Attention Economy. Eva Iris Otto. Workshop - Attention: An Interdisciplinary Workshop, London School of Economics. 15 Sep, 2022.
Measuring Attention Ethologically: How an Interdisciplinary Team of Social Data Scientists and Anthropologists Measured Attention in the Field. August Lohse, Emilie Munch Gregersen and Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard. Workshop - Attention: An Interdisciplinary Workshop, London School of Economics. 14 Sep, 2022.
Fieldwork in the Silence: A Protocol for (Auto)ethnographic Research on Meta- attentional Practices. Malene Hornstrup Jespersen. Workshop - Attention: An Interdisciplinary Workshop, London School of Economics. 14 Sep, 2022.
The Role of Math in Social Science Research. August Lohse and Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard. Presentation for high school students at Roskilde Katedralskole. 3 Mar, 2022.
Symbiosis or exploitation: Alignment work as forms of Techcraft. Eva Iris Otto. Presentation at seminar with Technologies in Practice (TiP) group, IT University of Copenhagen. 9 Feb, 2022.
Studying and Theorizing the Political Economy of Attention in Denmark. Morten Axel Pedersen. Presentation at seminar with Technologies in Practice (TiP) group, IT University of Copenhagen. 9 Feb, 2022.
Mapping intra governmental conflict using document embeddings. August Lohse. SODAS Data Discussion. 26 Nov, 2021.
Earnings, Fertility and Gender Differences in Choice of Field: Evidence from a Large-Scale Survey and National Administrative Data. Helene Willadsen. Presentation at conference on Quantitative Educational Research in Denmark. 25-26 Nov, 2021.
Digital Methods and Qualitative Research. Kristoffer Albris. Presentation for DIIS-Tech group at Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). 08 Nov, 2021.
Ethics: Data, Algorithms, and AI. Kristoffer Albris. Presentation to delegation from the Government of Brazil, hosted by DTU and DANIDA. 05 Nov, 2021.
”I wouldn’t be able to code without google”. Eva Iris Otto. Presentation at the Anthropology of Technology conference, Aarhus University. November 4-5, 2021.
Watching people meeting: Systematizing qualitative approaches to data intensive fieldwork at the Danish Peoples Meeting. Emilie Munch Gregersen & Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard. Data Discussion, SODAS, UCPH. 08 Oct, 2021.
Dataetik i et datademokrati. Kristoffer Albris. Presentation at the Technical University Denmark. As part of the course Digitalisering, Data og Nye Teknologier, EVU course to public officials. 14 Sep 2021.
Selling the promise of presence: How Companies Promote Digital Disconnection and Detox Courses in Denmark. Kristoffer Albris. Presentation at Oslo University, the DIGITOX project. 21 Apr 2021.
What is data worth? Eva Iris Otto. Presentation to DJØF's Tech Commission. 19 Apr 2021.
Digital Technologies in a Danish Context. Kristoffer Albris. Presentation for delegates from Brazilian government, DANIDA scholarship programme, DTU Compute. 23 Feb 2021.
"Fieldwork in an online entreprise: following business projects on Slack, Whereby and Discord." Eva Iris Otto. Presentation to MA students in Global Development and Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, 04 February 2021.
"Using diaries and logbooks in a mixed-methods approach: Experience sampling, remote data collection, ”thick surveys”, quali-quant data." Kristoffer Albris. Presentation to MA students in Global Development and Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, 04 February 2021.
"Will Algorithms Be Our Doom?" Kristoffer Albris, presentation for Vejle Gymnasium, 9 December 2020.
"Made by Disasters: On the Social, Cultural and Political Responses to Extreme Events and the Changes that Follow in Their Wake." Kristoffer Albris, keynote presentation, annual conference at Copenhagen Centre for Regulatory Science, 23 November 2020.
"Computational Anthropology: Quali-quantitative Analyses of Attention Economies during the Covid-19 Lockdown", Morten Axel Pedersen, Annual lecture at University College London Centre for Digital Anthropology. 5 October.
“How We Tweet About Coronavirus, and Why: A Computational Anthropological Mapping of Political Attention on Danish Twitter during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Anders Blok. 8 September 2020.
KULT network for ethnologists and anthropologists. Eva Iris Otto. 7 September.
"Escape from Covid Island: how online gaming is becoming our getaway from the pandemic." Anna Sapienza. 19 June, 2020. University of Copenhagen, SODAS Data Discussion.
"Lockdown ethnography: Using logbooks, self-reporting and emojis to study routines during the corona crisis." Emilie Gregersen, Sofie Astrupgaard and Malene Jespersen. 29 May, 2020. University of Copenhagen, SODAS Data Discussion.
"Is Attention Actually Finite?" Morten Axel Pedersen and Kristoffer Albris. 15 May, 2020. University of Copenhagen, SODAS Data Discussion.
"DISTRACT: The Political Economy of Attention in Digitized Denmark." Morten Axel Pedersen and Kristoffer Albris. Center for Information and Bubble Studies, 28 feb, 2020. University of Copenhagen.
"Anthrometrics: Mining Anthropology Journals." Kristoffer Albris, Terne Jakobsen and Morten Axel Pedersen. Presented at Machine Anthropology Workshop, 27-28 jan, 2020, University of Copenhagen.
"DISTRACT: The Political Economy of Attention in Digitized Denmark." Kristoffer Albris. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, 22 nov, 2019. Vancouver, Canada.
Enggaard, T., Lohse, A., Pedersen, M. A. & S. Lehmann. 2024. Analyzing differences between discursive communities using dialectograms. Scientific Reports. 14, 22497
Jespersen, M. H. & K. Albris. 2023. The Public Life of The Social Dilemma: Silicon Valley’s mea culpa moment and the rise of tech-dissidents. In The Digital Backlash and the Paradoxes of Disconnection, 67–90.
Albris, K., Fast, K., Karlsen, F., Kaun, A., Lomborg, S. & T. Syvertsen. 2023. The Digital Backlash and the Paradoxes of Disconnection. Nordicom.
Thorhauge, A. M, Gregersen, A. L, Otto, E. I., Ørmen, J. & M. A. Pedersen (eds). 2024. The Economic Lives of Platforms: Rethinking the Political Economy of Digital Markets. Bristol University Press.
Mehler, P., Otto, E. I. & A. Sapienza. 2024. Who makes open source code? The hybridisation of commercial and open source practices. EPJ Data Sci. 13, 35.
Jespersen, M. H., Albris, K. & H. Willadsen. 2024. How concerned are people about their 'screen time'?. CPH Tech Policy Brief, Crown Princess Mary Center, University of Copenhagen
Willadsen, H., Zaccagni, S., Piovesan, M. & E. Wengström. 2024. Measures of cognitive ability and choice inconsistency. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 220, 495-506
Author links open overlay panel
Astrupgaard, S. L., Lohse, A., Gregersen, E. M., Salka, J. H., Albris, K., & M. A. Pedersen. 2023. Fixing Fieldnotes: Developing and Testing a Digital Tool for the Collection, Processing, and Analysis of Ethnographic Data. Social Science Computer Review.
Fan, Y., Lehmann, S. & A. Blok. 2023. New methodologies for the digital age? How methods (re-)organize research using social media data. Quantitative Science Studies, 1-21.
Carlsen, H.B., Gårdhus, T. & J. Toubøl. 2023. Ukrainian refugee solidarity mobilization online, Journal of Cultural Economy, 16(2), 242-259.
Sapienza, A, Lítlá, M., Lehmann, S. & L. Alessandretti. 2023. Exposure to urban and rural contexts shapes smartphone usage behavior. PNAS Nexus, Volume 2, Issue 11.
Albris, K. & S. Breslin. 2023. Computerantropologi. Tidsskriftet Antropologi. 87.
Pedersen, M.A. 2023. Editorial Introduction: Towards a Machinic Anthropology. Big Data & Society. Online first.
Pedersen, M.A. 2023 (ed). Machine Anthropology. Special issue of Big Data & Society. Online first.
Otto, E.I., Salka, J. and Blok, A. 2023. How app companies use GitHub: on modes of valuation in the digital attention economy. Journal of Cultural Economy.
Gregersen, E.M., Astrupgaard, S.L., Jespersen, M.H., Gårdhus, T.P., & Albris, K. 2023. Digital Dependence: Online Fatigue and Coping Strategies During the COVID-19 Lockdown. Media, Culture & Society. Online first.
Enggaard, T., Isfeldt, A., Møller, A.H., Carlsen, H.B., Albris, K. & Blok, A. 2023. Inter-Risk Framing Contests: The Politics of Issue Attention among Scandinavian Climate NGOs during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Sociology. Online first.
Jørgensen, L.K., Piovesan, M. and Willadsen, H., 2022. Gender differences in competitiveness: Friends matter. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 101, p.101955.
Astrupgaard, S.L., Lassen, D.D., Pedersen, M.A. and Willadsen, H. 2022. Digitale data og forskning i det hybride arbejdsliv. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 24(4), pp.103-111.
Sapienza, A., Lehmann, S., Alessandretti, L. 2022. Urban-Rural Divide in Smartphone Usage. CPH Tech Policy Brief #2.
Astrupgaard, S.L., Sandbye, C.R., Gregersen, E.M. 2022. See You Later Thick Data. Blog series in five parts. Anthrodendum - Anthropology Blog.
Carlsen, Hjalmar Bang & Ralund, Snorre. 2022. Computational grounded theory revisited: From computer-led to computer-assisted text analysis. Big Data & Society. (Online first).
Breslin, Samantha, Anders Blok, Thyge Ryom Enggaard, Tobias Gårdhus, and Morten Axel Pedersen. 2022. “Affective Publics” Performing Trust on Danish Twitter during the COVID-19 Lockdown. Current Anthropology (online first).
Jonasdottir, S.S., Bagrow, J. & Lehmann, S. 2022. Sleep during travel balances individual sleep needs. Nature Human Behavior. (online first)
Isfeldt AS, Enggaard TR, Blok A, Pedersen MA. 2022. Grøn Genstart: A quali-quantitative micro-history of a political idea in real-time. Big Data & Society. (online first).
Jonas Toubøl, Hjalmar Bang Carlsen, Marie Haarmark Nielsen & Benedikte Brincker (2022). Mobilizing to take responsibility: exploring the relationship between Sense of Community Responsibility (SOC-R), Public Service Motivation (PSM) and public service resilience during Covid-19, Public Management Review, E-Pub ahead of print.
Andersen, D., Toubøl, J., Kirkegaard, S., & Bang Carlsen, H. (2021). Imposed volunteering: Gender and caring responsibilities during the COVID-19 lockdown. The Sociological Review. E-Pub ahead of print..
Albris K, Otto EI, Astrupgaard SL, et al. 2021. A view from anthropology: Should anthropologists fear the data machines? Big Data & Society. Online first.
Sapienza A and Lehmann S. 2021. A view from data science. Big Data & Society. Online first.
Willadsen, H. & Jespersen, M.H. 2021. Student attention in the online school. Blogpost.
M.A. Pedersen, K. Albris & N. Seaver. 2021. The Political Economy of Attention. Annual Review of Anthropology, 50:1.
Bjerre-Nielsen A, Andersen A, Minor K, Lassen DD. The Negative Effect of Smartphone Use on Academic Performance May Be Overestimated: Evidence From a 2-Year Panel Study. Psychological Science. October 2020. doi:10.1177/0956797620956613
Clark, Nathan & Albris, Kristoffer. 2020. In the interest (s) of many: Governing data in crises. Politics and Governance, 8(4), 421-431.
Samantha Dawn Breslin, Thyge Ryom Enggaard, Anders Blok, Tobias Gårdhus and Morten Axel Pedersen. 2020. How We Tweet About Coronavirus, and Why: A Computational Anthropological Mapping of Political Attention on Danish Twitter during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Somatosphere: Science, Medicine and Anthropology.
Kristoffer Albris, Anders Blok, Hjalmar Alexander Bang Carlsen, Thyge Ryom Enggaard, Emilie Munch Gregersen, Majsa Stina Grosen, Tobias Priesholm Gårdhus, Annika Solveig Hedegaard Isfeldt, Mathilde Yung Meiling, Anna Helene Kvist Møller, Morten Axel Pedersen, Jonas Skjold Raaschou-Pedersen & Asger Hans Thomsen. 2020. Digital Klima-Aktivisme i en Skandinavisk Corona-Tid. Blogpost: https://coronakrisen.github.io/post6.html
Anna Sapienza, Malene H. Jespersen, Kristoffer Albris, Morten Axel Pedersen, and Sune Lehmann. 2020. Escape from COVID Island. Blogpost: https://coronakrisen.github.io/post4.html
Emilie Munch Gregersen, Malene Hornstrup Jespersen, Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard, Tobias Priesholm Gårdhus, Eva Iris Otto, Morten Axel Pedersen og Kristoffer Albris. 2020. Life Goes On - Sådan Da. Blogpost: https://coronakrisen.github.io/post3.html
Emilie Gregersen, Kristoffer Glavind, Morten Axel Pedersen, Sofie Astrupgaard, Thyge Enggaard & Tobias Gårdhus. 2020. Nedlukningen har ændret tonen og stemning i danske corona-tweets. Blogpost: https://coronakrisen.github.io/post2.html
Thyge Enggaard, Tobias Gårdhus, Anders Blok, Hjalmar Carlsen & Morten Axel Pedersen. 2020. Corona-diskussioner i det danske Twitter-landskab. Blogpost: https://coronakrisen.github.io/post1.html
Article: Folk foretrækker digte skrevet af kunstig intelligens frem for Shakespeare. Morten Axel Pedersen is interviewed on whether AI challenges human creativity. Videnskab.dk. 15 Nov 2024.
Podcast: The Digital Backlash and the Paradoxes of Disconnection featured in Analogiseringsstyrelsens podcast. Analogiseringsstyrelsen. 3 Nov 2024.
Article: EthNote giver kvalitativ forskning nyt format. Karoline Husbond Andersen and Emilie Munch Gregersen are interviewed about EthNote. Techsavvy Media. 28 Oct 2024.
Newspaper article: Forskere tog på Folkemødet for at afsløre det gode events natur. Morten Axel Pedersen, August Lohse and Emilie Munch Gregersen are interviewed about the Folkemøde (People's Meeting) study they conducted in 2021 and 2022 on the island of Bornholm. Politiken. 09 Jun 2023.
Newspaper article: Mobiltelefonen har gjort, at relationerne til mine venner er ændret. Morten Axel Pedersen and Kristoffer Albris are interviewed about screens, social media, sociality, and attention. Berlingske Tidende. 05 Jun 2023.
Radio: P1 Orientering. Kunst skabt af kunstig intelligens tager lige nu verden med storm. Morten Axel Pedersen is interviewed about the use of AI in the world of art. 01 May 2023.
Radio: P1 Kulturen. Instagram afhængighed. Kristoffer Albris and Morten Axel Pedersen are interviewed about social media addiction and artificial intelligence. 20 Feb 2023.
Radio: P1 Kulturen. Studerende fik fjernet stødende kunst, jazz er svært og AI-problemer. Morten Axel Pedersen is interviewed about ChatGPT. 20 Feb 2023 (the interview is no longer available)
Newspaper article: »Det er jo det ultimative hashtag, fordi det handler om liv og død«. Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about rescue efforts and social media doing 2023 earthquake in Turkey. Politiken. 9 February, 2023.
Radio: P1 Kulturen. SoMe-nødråb fra tyrkiske murbrokker. Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about the role of social media during the 2023 earthquake in Turkey and Syria. 07 Feb 2023.
Press statement: Urban-Rural Divide in Smartphone Usage. UCPH press statement about Anna Sapienza and Sune Lehmann's work on urban and rural usage of smartphones. CPH Tech Policy Brief. SODAS and The Crown Princess Mary Center.
Television: DR2 Deadline. Krisevalg? Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about the upcoming Danish parliamentary elections as an election about multiple crises. 28 Oct 2022.
Newspaper article: Krisen er normen. Alt andet er undtagelser. Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about crises. Berlingske Tidende. 11 Oct 2022
Newspaper article: Psykolog: Det her kan blive dråben, der kan få bægeret til at flyde over. Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about crises, public attention, and historical change. Berlingske Tidende. 05 Oct 2022.
Radio: Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about the energy crisis and changes to our behavior. Radio 4. 16 Sep 2022.
Newspaper article: Eksperter: Der kan komme noget godt ud af energikrisen. Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about the energy crisis and the positive outcomes of crises. Jyllands-Posten. 16 Sep 2022.
Radio: P4 Nyheder. News report mentioning DISTRACT's data collection at the Danish People's Meeting. 17 June 2022.
Radio: P4 Morgen Bornholm. August Lohse is interviewed about DISTRACT's data collection at the Danish People's Meeting. 17 June 2022.
Podcast: Er du afhængig af din mobiltelefon? Kristoffer Albris on podcast discussing whether phones are addictive. Future Loading - Unge Samtaler om Valg. 26 May 2022.
Newspaper article: Djøf's techkommission opfordrer regeringen til at sætte en dataetisk grænse for sig selv. Article discusses a recent report co-authored by Kristoffer Albris as part of DJØFs TechDK Kommission. Altinget.dk. 20 May 2022.
Newspaper article: Festen er både limen og benzinen i fællesskabet. Morten Axel Pedersen interviewed about the social aspects of parties. Nordjyske Stiftstidende. 10 Apr 2022.
Newspaper article: Ukrainere risikerer at begå krigsforbrydelser på sociale medier. Kristoffer Albris discusses the information wars in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Jyllands Posten. 5 Mar 2022.
Newspaper article: Zelenskyjs heltestatus trækker tråde til Churchill og Askepot. Kristoffer Albris discusses the heoric role of the Ukrainian president during the Russian invasion. Politiken Sektion 2 (Kultur). 3 Mar 2022.
Newspaper article: Det kan være en fordel for præsident Zelenskyj, at han har været "så ekstremt fjollet." Kristoffer Albris discusses the Ukrainian president. Politiken Online. 2 Mar 2022.
Radio: Facebooks Metaverse. Morten Axel Pedersen discusses Facebook's new platform. P1, Danmarks Radio. 19 Okt 2021.
Radio: Morgenmenneske: Corona og Adfærd. Kristoffer Albris discusses social behavior during the corona pandemic in Denmark. Radio 4. 22 Jul 2021.
Newspaper article: Sociolog: Coronatiden var et selvfølgelighedsbrud. Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about friendships during corona. Politiken, sektion 1, side 7. 30 Jun 2021.
Newspaper article: Venskabet er på vej til at »overhale« kærligheden. Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about friendships during corona. Politiken. 29 Jun 2021.
Podcast: "Det Gode Menneske". Kristoffer Albris on the podcast Brinkmanns Briks, on Danish Radio P1, hosted by psychologist Svend Brinkmann. 28 Apr 2021.
Television: "Når Danmark Åbner". Kristoffer Albris is interviewed at a DJØF television event on what Denmark will look like after corona. The event also featured Søren Brostrøm, Svend Brinkmann, Lykke Friis, and others. 25 Mar 2021.
Online article: "Grin, syng, drik alkohol!": Tiden efter corona kan blive en frisk start for vores hårdt pressede venskaber. Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about friendship during the corona pandemic. ZETLAND. 26 Feb 2021.
Magazine article: Et år senere: Det lærte vi af corona. Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about our ability to adapt to a new normal during the corona pandemic. The Magazine I FORM. 18 Feb 2021.
Newspaper article: Har danskerne haft en luksus-lockdown? Her er, hvad Google afslører. Morten Axel Pedersen interviewed about Google search terms during corona. Berlingske Tidende. 17 Feb 2021.
Television: Aftenshowet DR1, Danish Broadcasting Service. Morten Axel Pedersen comments on Google search terms during corona. 15 Feb 2021.
Newspaper article: I 2020 kunne klimaet trække vejret: Det lærte vi om, hvad der skal til for at sikre grøn omstilling. Akademikerbladet. Anders Blok and Kristoffer Albris are interviewed on corona and climate politics. 20 Dec 2020.
Newspaper article: Children are not necessarily addicted to screens. Jylland-Posten. By Anne Marie Hastrup Kristensen. 02 Sep 2020.
Newspaper article: Mobile phones and distractions in classrooms: nuances needed. Politiken. By Anne Marie Hastrup Kristensen. 20 Aug 2020.
Newspaper article: Farvel til Smalltalk. Weekendavisen. Kristoffer Albris is interviewed about the DISTRACT logbook study. 21 Jul 2020.
Podcast: Twitteranalyse i en Coronatid. On the podcast Data Snak. Morten Axel Pedersen and Thyge Ryom Enggard participated. 01 Jun 2020.
Radio: P1 Morgen. On Danmarks Radio (Danish News Corporation). Thyge Ryom Enggard participated and talked about DISTRACT's analysis of tweets during the corona lockdown. 27 May 2020.
Morten Axel Pedersen (PI), Professor |
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David Dreyer Lassen (Co-PI), Professor | ![]() |
Anders Blok (Co-PI), Associate Professor | ![]() |
Sune Lehmann (Co-PI), Professor |
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Kristoffer Albris, Assistant Professor |
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Hjalmar Bang Carlsen, Assistant Professor |
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Helene Willadsen, Postdoc | ![]() |
Anna Sapienza, Postdoc | ![]() |
Eva Iris Otto, PhD Fellow | ![]() |
Malene Hornstrup Jespersen, PhD Fellow | ![]() |
August Lohse, PhD Fellow | ![]() |
Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard, PhD Fellow | ![]() |
Anna Helene Kvist Møller, PhD Fellow | ![]() |
Thyge Enggaard, PhD Fellow (affiliated) | |
Emilie Munch Gregersen, Student Assistant | ![]() |
Magnus Nørtoft, Student assistant | ![]() |
Tobias Priesholm Gårdhus, Student assistant | ![]() |
Events organized by the DISTRACT project
DISTRACT talk with professor Anders Koed Madsen, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University. "Soft City Sensing – listening to data publics in the digital city".12th December 2024.
Weapons of Mass Distraction? Conference. DISTRACTs concluding conference including "Weapons of Mass Distraction? Settling the Issue" Symposium and the "Agency and Attention: Ethnographies of Attentionality, Intentionality, and Volition" Workshop" held at the The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. 14th and 15th November 2024.
DISTRACT talk with professor Signe Vangkilde and PhD Fellow Anne Marie Hastrup Kristensen, Department of Psychology, UCPH. "Mastering Meta-Control: From Cognitive Mechanisms to Practical Strategies". 27th September 2024.
Book Launch for The Economic Lives of Platforms: Rethinking the Political Economy of Digital Markets published on Bristol University Press. 29th and 30th August 2024.
EthNote Rejsegilde with presentations from research assistant Emilie Munch Gregersen and anthropology student Frederik Christensen. 18th January 2024
EthNote test-event with Karoline Husbond Andersen and Emilie Munch Gregersen. 14th December 2023.
DISTRACT talk with assistant professor Jelle Bruineberg, Department of Communication, UCPH. "Attending in the attention economy". 1st March 2024.
DISTRACT talk with professor Christian Borch, Department of Sociology, UCPH, and postdoc Nicholas Skar-Gislinge, SODAS, UCPH. "Toward an Inter-Machine Sociology" 15th of September, 2023.
Conference Panel, organized by Eva Iris Otto, Miguel Alcalde (LSE), and Rahul Rose (LSE). "Towards an Anthropology of Attention." Conference of the Association for Social Anthropologists, SOAS, London, 12th of April, 2023.
DISTRACT talk with Senior Research Fellow Mikka Nielsen, VIVE - Danish Center for Social Science Research. "ADHD as desynchronization." 10th of March, 2023.
DISTRACT talk with Associate Professor Ursula Plesner, Copenhagen Business School. "Predictive Algorithms in Practice". 24th of February, 2023.
DISTRACT talk with PhD fellow Christoffer Bagger, UCPH. "The Work of Working With – And Resisting – Media." 25th of November. 2022.
DISTRACT talk with Associate Professor Ivan Konvalinka, DTU: Interpersonal synchronization as a framework for measuring self-other integration. 6th of May 2022.
DISTRACT talk with Professor Søren Kyllingsbæk, UCPH: Attention and Intentions. 25th of February 2022.
DISTRACT publication retreat and workshop vol 2, Hornbækhus, 26-27th of January 2022.
POST-PLATFORM CAPITALISM? – rethinking the political economy of digital markets. International workshop, organized by Anne Mette Thorhauge, Andreas Gregersen, Eva Otto, Jacob Ørmen and Morten Axel Petersen. 20th of January 2022.
DISTRACT talk with Professor Naja Hulvej Rod, UCPH: Smartphone Interrupted Sleep: A New Public Health Challenge. 10th of December 2021.
DISTRACT talk with Assistant Professor Signe Sophus Lai and Postdoc Sofie Flensburg, UCPH: Networks of Power:
Studying the Digital Backlash, 22-23rd of September 2021. International seminar organized by Kristoffer Albris and Malene Hornstrup Jespersen in collaboration with Stine Lomborg, Department of Communication, UCPH.
DISTRACT talk with Assistant Professor Olivier Driessens, UCPH: The in/visibility – in/attention complex: from collapse to intersection. 11th of June 2021.
DISTRACT talk with PhD student Odysseus Stone, UCPH: What we care about when we care about attention: Insights from phenomenology and recent philosophy of attention. 28th of May 2021.
DISTRACT talk with Post doc Paula Helms, University of Tübingen: Problematic use and addictive design – Towards distributed responsibility. 23rd of April 2021.
DISTRACT talk with Associate Prof. Mariek Vanden Abeele, Tilburg University: Digital Wellbeing in a Culture of Ubiquitous Connectivity: Towards a Dynamic Pathway Model (DISCONNECT). 16th of April 2021.
DISTRACT talk with Prof. Trine Syvertsen, University of Oslo: Intrusive media, ambivalent users, digital detox (Digitox). 29th of January 2021.
DISTRACT talk with Anna Sapienza and Sune Lehmann, University of Copenhagen and Technical University of Denmark (DTU): Large scale data from smartphone usage. 11th of December 2020.
DISTRACT talk with Jesper Aagaard, Aarhus University, Department of Psychology: Digital distraction - how we handle digital technologies. 27th of November 2020.
DISTRACT talk with Ulrik Lyngs, University of Oxford: Self-Control in Cyberspace: Examining Tools of Resistance in the Battle for Online Attention. 1st of November 2020.
DISTRACT publication workshop and retreat. Rødkilde Hotel. 18-19th of August, 2020.
Workshop: A New Fieldnote Standard in XML (part 2). 1st of May 2020.
Workshop on GDPR and data ethics with Prof. Peter Sandøe. 21st of April 2020.
Workshop: A New Fieldnote Standard in XML (part 1). 15th of April 2020.
Methods workshop with Laura Nelson. 24th of March 2020
Machine Anthropology Workshop. 27-28th of January 2020.
Funded by

DISTRACT is funded by an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council. Period: 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2024
Head of project, professor Morten Axel Pedersen
Deputy head of project, assistant professor Kristoffer Albris
News from the DISTRACT project
Kristoffer Albris in the news commenting on the migration from Tiktok to Rednote
2025.01.25 -
DISTRACT conference in the news: debating unnecessary panic considering social media
2025.01.21 -
"Weapons of Mass Distraction?" Conference held in November
2024.12.16 -
Soft City Sensing – DISTRACT Talk with Anders Koed Madsen
2024.12.12 -
Research seminar on Digital (mis)trust
University of Copenhagen
Øster Farimagsgade 5
1353 Copenhagen K