7 April 2020

What catches the attention of Twitter-Denmark during the Corona-pandemic?

Together with colleagues at SODAS, DISTRACT researchers have analyzed Corona-related debates and reactions across social and news media. You can follow the research at https://coronakrisen.github.io/ (in Danish). The research was funded by UCPH SAMF and DISTRACT.

Our first post is a mapping of the rise, fall and development of Twitter-topics around the time of the Danish lockdown, which among other things show that (1) Healthcare and economics are dominating topics before, during and after the lockdown; (2) Social distancing and solidarity are at the core of Twitter-Denmark’s reactions, while 'hoarding' only experienced a brief peak, (3) The social effects of the pandemic make up a separate cluster, peaking eight days after the lockdown before returning to a minor position in the twitter landscape, (4) Climate change is a separate and lasting matter of concern, while misinformation and cyber security represent minor themes. In the next post, we plan to follow up with an analysis of the way in which Twitter-Denmark talks about these topics - has the lockdown, despite its adverse consequences, provided a setting of collective action and resilience, in which fear and concerns are less prevalent? Does this differ between topics (and potentially actors) - and does it last?

Further analyses will be made available during the coming weeks. You can also follow the work on Twitter (@CPH_SODAS, @distractdenmark) and www.sodas.ku.dk.

Co-hashtag network of themes on Danish Twitter during corona lockdown