12 June 2024

Morten Axel Pedersen and Emilie Munch Gregersen presented at UCPH Spring Festival

Morten Axel Pedersen and Emilie Munch Gregersen presented at UCPH Spring Festival
Morten Axel Pedersen and Emilie Munch Gregersen presented at UCPH Spring Festival

On May 31st Morten Axel Pedersen and Emilie Munch Gregersen presented on 'the festival feeling' on the Wegner stage at UCPH Spring Festival. Morten and Emilie presented some of their findings from field research at Folkemødet on what happens when people parttake in political events together. Amongst many other findings it was observed at Folkemødet that people's heartbeats do somewhat synchronize when taking part in the same political debates and events. 

After their presentation Morten Axel Pedersen and Emilie Munch Gregersen further explored what constitutes 'togetherness' and 'the festival feeling' and what UCPH could learn from this research in discussion with Associate Dean avid Dreyer Lassen and member of student council Frederik Werner Kronborg. 
