2 November 2022

Kristoffer Albris gives conference presentation on inter-risk framing contests

Assistant professor Kristoffer Albris gave a conference presentation based on the paper "Inter-risk framing contests: The politics of issue attention among Scandinavian climate NGOs during the coronavirus pandemic", co-written with Anders Blok, Thyge Enggaard, Annika Isfeldt, Hjalmar Carlsen, and Anna Helene Møller.

The presentation was given at the NEEDS conference (Northern European Emergency and Disaster Studies) in Copenhagen, on a panel entitled "Corona Meets Climate" organized by the Disaster and Crisis Anthropology Network (DICAN).

The paper is based on work done during the corona lockdown as part of the project Crowding out or re-energizing the climate transition? Cross-national dynamics of risk issue attitudes on social media during the covid-19 outbreak (Pi Anders Blok),which was funded by the Velux Foundation, as well as work done as part of the DISTRACT project.
