20 March 2020
DISTRACT gets funding for research on corona
Several DISTRACT researchers have been part of teams that have received funding for conducting research on the social and political consequences of the corona virus lockdown. Professor Morten Axel Pedersen
The first project titled COVID-19 Snapshot MOnitoring in Denmark (COSMO Denmark) includes Morten Axel Pedersen, David Dreyer Lassen and Hjalmar Bang Carlsen. Grant: DKK 74,475,-
The second project titled The Dynamics of Political Discourse and Attention during the COVID-19 outbreak includes Morten Axel Pedersen, Anders Blok, Hjalmar Bang Carlsen., Tobias Gårdhus and Emilie Munch Gregersen. Grant: DKK 40,145,-
Read more here: https://socialsciences.ku.dk/news/4-projects-receive-funds-for-research-on-societal-aspects-of-covid-19/