10 March 2023
New publication: Editorial introduction to special theme issue "Machine Anthropology"

Prof. Morten Axel Pedersen, director of SODAS, has just published a paper in the journal Big Data and Society. As the editorial introduction in a special theme issue on Machine Anthropology, the paper explores the distinctions between (1) the anthropology of (big) data science, (2) the anthropology with data, and lastly (3) the anthropology with - or by - data science. The overarching conclusion is that, if anthropology really wishes to embrace its machinic potential, it will require a fundamental shift in the discipline’s data, methods, and identity.
Besides Morten Axel Pedersen, an extensive list of SODAS researchers has contributed to this special theme issue in the form of research articles and commentaries. This includes Rebecca Adler-Nissen, Sune Lehmann, Anders Blok, Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen, Kristoffer Albris, Hjalmar Bang Carlsen, Anna Sapienza, Kristin Anabel Eggeling, Thyge Enggaard, Eva Iris Otto, Sofie Læbe Astrupgaard, Emilie Munch Gregersen.