7 April 2020
What catches the attention of Twitter-Denmark during the Corona-pandemic?

At Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science, a group of researchers are collaborating to analyze Corona-related debates and reactions across social and news media, funded by UCPH SAMF and the DISTRACT-project. You can follow their research here (in Danish).
Their first post is a mapping of the development in broad Twitter-topics around the time of the Danish lockdown:
- Healthcare and economics are the dominating topics before, during and after the lockdown.
- Social distancing and solidarity are the core of Twitter-Denmark’s reactions, while hoarding was only a brief concern.
- The social consequences of the pandemic make up a separate cluster, peaking eight days after the lockdown before returning to a minor position on Twitter.
- Climate change is a separate concern within the economic cluster, while misinformation and cyber security are minor themes on Twitter.
Further analyses will be made available during the coming weeks. You can also follow their work on Twitter (@CPH_SODAS, @distractdenmark) and www.sodas.ku.dk.
For further information, reach out to PhD fellow Thyge Ryom Enggaard.