When the physiotherapist goes digital

In the project When the physiotherapist goes digital: Physical rehabilitation and new infrastructures of care, Nete Scwennesen studied a sensor based technology, for remote monitored physical rehabilitation. She explored the kind of relationships health care professionals and patients establish with and through this technology and how authority and affect is produced and negotiated in those encounters. The project was funded by Center for Health Ageing/The Nordea Foundation.



Schwennesen, N. Algorithmic authority in the making: Monitoring and managing bodies in motion, 26th Sociology of Health and Illness Monograph Series special issue; Digital Health: Sociological Perspectives (invited submission, in review)

Schwennesen, N. Bodies in-motion. The concerted action of energy conversion in digital rehabilitation. Anthropology & Ageing, (in review)

Schwennesen, N. When self-tracking enters physical rehabilitation: From ‘pushed’ self-tracking to ongoing affective encounters in arrangements of care. DIGITAL HEALTH, 3, 2055207617725231, 2017.

Langstrup H. & Schwennesen N. Når velfærdsteknologier er stand-in for professionelle: Omsorgsinfrastruktur og autorisationsprocesser i digital understøttet genoptræning. I Velfærds-teknologier på arbejde. Når velfærdsteknologier holder mere end de lover eds. Lacour A, Højlund H, Waldorff SB, Hans Reitzel, 2017.

Schwennesen, N. Et omsorgsfuldt (selv) bedrag?: Om brug af robotter der imiterer mennesker i Ældreplejen. Gerontologi, 32(1), 28-33, 2016


Contact to researcher

Associate professor
Nete Schwennesen
Department of Anthropology
Mail: ns@anthro.ku.dk


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