Invitation to inaugural lecture

Sune Lehmann. Foto: DTU ComputeThe Technical University of Denmark is happy to welcome Professor Sune Lehmann as professor in Complexity and Network Science, at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.

In celebration of this appointment, DTU Compute invites you to attend Sune’s inaugural lecture followed by a reception.


Friday, 20 September, at 3 pm, building 101, 1st floor, room 1
Technical University of Denmark, Anker Englunds Vej 1, 2800 Kongens Lyngby


3:00-3:10 pm: Welcome by Professor, Head of Department Per B. Brockhoff
3:10-3:50 pm: Inaugural lecture titled ”Data science, complex patterns, and human behavior”.
4:00-5:00 pm: Reception

Everybody is welcome. Registration is not required.

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