SODAS Talk w/ Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri
Partitioning methods applied to cognitive sociology segmentation: Risk perception of European parents about online hazards
Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri from University of Trente will present his research at a SODAS Talk on Friday the 11th of October 2019. Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri holds a BSc in Sociology from the University of Siena, an MSc in Social Research Methods (Statistics) from the Methodology Department of the London School of Economics (LSE) and a PhD in Social Psychology from the LSE. He is Associate Professor of Research Methodology and Cognitive Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento. He was Senior Lecturer at University of Leicester. He has been Lecturer at University of East Anglia and a scientific fellow at the European Commission JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). He has published in scientific journals such as Nature, PLOS One, Computers in Human Behavior, Public Understanding of Science, Big Data & Society and others. His current research agenda and research-led teaching focus on the following areas: 1) The study of public opinion dynamics and social representations using a computational social science framework; 2) The development of research methodologies of a computational nature to social science problems 3) the intersection between sociology and behavioural sciences in the form of cognitive sociology.
In this study, we have carried out research about European parents’ risk perception of online hazards concerning their children using a survey aimed at exploring different dimensions and determinants of risks. In this research, the target population was citizens aged 25–65, with children aged 6–14 living in their household and under their responsibility or care. The survey was conducted by computer-assisted web interviews (CAWI) using online panels in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Italy, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, with 800 interviews per country (total N = 6,400). We carried out a two stages analysis. In the first part, we have explored the mapping and grouping of hazards based on participants’ assessment. In the second part, we carried a cognitive style segmentation of subjects based on the way how the risk perception judgements are made. This approach draws upon a cognitive sociology approach, which proposed the idea of “thought collectives” or “thought communities” identifiable by means of shared cultural schemas. The analysis was carried out using novel techniques like Correlational Class Analysis (Boutlyline, 2017) and Relational Class Analysis (Goldber, 2011). Results indicated the presence of three different cultural schemas defined groups that cut across countries and socio-demographic characteristics. Implications for the study of risk perception will be discussed.
The SODAS Talk will take place at SODAS in building 1, 2nd floor, room 26 (1.2.26) of the CSS Campus, University of Copenhagen, from 11:00 am - 12:00 noon the 11th of October 2019.
If you have questions or want to know more, please write Sophie Smitt Sindrup Grønning at