SODAS Panel Series: Ethical and Practical Issue in Data Collection
Ethical and Practical Issues in Data Collection
Social data science often relies on data generated by individuals in their day to day activity online and collected by companies or other organizational actors with an interest or obligation to keep them private. This panel will focus on the ethical and practical issues this raises for data collection in social data science and beyond. These issues include the tension between privacy and reproducible research, the (lack of) data collection and protection standards, and the public interest vs business objectives of social media companies.
- Robert Monarch (Apple)
- Deen Freelon (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
- Rebekah Tromble (George Washington University)
26 February 2021, 7 AM PT/10 AM ET/4 PM CET
This Panel will take place in Zoom.
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Passcode: 293617
If you have any questions, please contact Katrine Herold at