SODAS Data Discussion 26 November 2021

Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS) aspirers to be a resource for all students and researchers at the Faculty of Social Sciences. We therefore invite researchers across the faculty to present ongoing research projects, project applications or just a loose idea that relates to the subject of social data science.

The rules are simple: short research presentations of ten minutes are followed by twenty minutes of debate. No papers will be circulated beforehand, and the presentations cannot be longer than five slides.

Anna Rogers, PostDoc (SODAS) and Germans Savcisens, PhD fellow (DTU/SODAS)

Life2vec: what Transformers can learn about us from government statistics

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August Lohse

Mapping intra governmental conflict using document embeddings

In this data discussion I expand on recent advances in using word and document embeddings for estimating latent ideological representations in parliamentary corpora. Using the transcripts of the Danish parliament, I examine how it is possible to gauge conflict in both the opposition and government in a multiparty system, using low dimensional representations of the word embeddings. I likewise discuss some issues in working with parliamentary data, such as government/non-government language and different amount of documents.