PhD Defense on “Planetary Social and Behavioral Data Science”

SODAS PhD student Kelton Ray Minor will defend his dissertation “Planetary Social and Behavioral Data Science” on Friday, 19th August at 3pm CET.
Abstract: Climate change and other anthropogenic disruptions to Earth’s natural systems are increasing the frequency and intensity of many environmental stressors that span across county, state and country borders, posing a planetary adaptive challenge for society. The sheer spatial and temporal extent of many regionally intensifying stressors – including Arctic amplification, nighttime warming, heatwaves and extreme precipitation events – demand new approaches for monitoring their complex human impacts and responses at scale. Responding to this challenge, this articles-based dissertation explores how highly resolved psychosocial, environmental and digital-trace data – from national surveys, personal sensing, weather stations, satellites, social media and smartphones – can help to understand and inform human adjustment to complex environmental stressors in a changing world.
Place: University of Copenhagen, building 35, auditorium 35.01.06, Gammeltoftsgade 13, 1353 Copenhagen K.
For those who are not able to be there in person, you can attend remotely via Zoom (6am PT, 7am MT, 9am ET, 14:00 GMT, 15:00 CET)