DISTRACT seminar w/ Jesper Aagaard 27 Nov

Digital distraction - how we handle digital technologies

Research shows that irrelevant use of IT in schools is related to worse grades, worse test results and a weakened ability to focus. Research also shows that pupils are aware of these negative consequences. But why do they use it then? Based on empirical research in a Danish high school, the presentation will aim at shedding light on the phenomenon and how it is handled in practice. 

Jesper Aagaard is cand.psych., PhD, and Associate Professor at The Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences at The University of Aarhus.

Arrangementet foregår fredag d. 27. november kl. 11-12, alle er velkomne.
Deltag på via dette Zoomlink: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/63170967678
