
SODAS steering committee

Morten Axel Pedersen. Photo: Kelton Minor

Morten Axel Pedersen is Professor of Anthropology and the Director of the Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS), University of Copenhagen. An anthropologist by training and the author of several ethnographic monographs (most recently Collaborative Damage: An Experimental Ethnography of Chinese Globalization), he has for soon ten years been involved in the development and institutionalization of social data science as a distinct research field and as a graduate degree program. Since 2020, he has been principal investigator of the ERC Advanced Grant funded project DISTRACT: The Political Economy of Distraction in Digitized Denmark.

Social Data Science Skills: Quali-Quantitative Methods, Data Ethics, Social Data Theory, Computational Anthropology

SODAS projects: Critical Algorithm Lab (CALL), DISTRACTThe Dynamics of Political Discourse and Attention during the COVID-19 outbreakCOVID-19 Snapshot MOnitoring in Denmark (COSMO Denmark)
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Ingo Zettler is the Deputy Director of SODAS and Professor in Personality and Social Behavior at both the Department of Psychology and SODAS. He is also the Head of the PhD program at SODAS. His main research interests are the role of individual differences for human behavior, dishonesty and other forms of unethical behavior, and the interplay between person and situation factors.

Social Data Science Skills: Online experiments and surveys, psychology of online behavior, data ethics

SODAS projects: COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring in Denmark (COSMO Denmark)

Rebecca Adler-NissenRebecca Adler-Nissen is Professor in Political Science with a focus on international relations and diplomacy in the digital age. She directs DIPLOFACE exploring the relationship between confidential negotiations and public display (funded by the ERC) and Digital Disinformation exploring the spread and impact of online misinformation (funded by the Carlsberg Foundation).

Social Data Science Skills: Digital political science, practice and affordance methodologies, the relationship between off-line and online worlds, digital mis- and disinformation.

SODAS projects: DIPLOFACE, Digital Disinformation, HOPE
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Roberta Sinatra is Professor in Data Science at SODAS. She also holds visiting positions at IT University of Copenhagen, where she is part of the the Networks, Data, and Society (NERDS) Research group, at the Complexity Science Hub (Austria), and at ISI Foundation (Italy). Her research is at the forefront of network science, data science, and computational social science. She has been awarded with a Sapere Aude grant and a Villum Young Investigator grant to study quantitatively bias in measures and algorithms of scientific impact.

SODAS projects: Bias Explained: Pushing Algorithmic Fairness with Models and Experiments

Social Data Science Skills: Network analysis, Complex systems, Data Analysis, Algorithmic Bias.
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Sune Lehmann. Photo: Kelton MinorSune Lehmann is Professor of Complexity and Network Science at the Technical University of Denmark. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Sociology at the University of Copenhagen. Sune's work focuses on understanding data generated by human beings. A physicist by training, his work is quantitatively based, drawing on methods from statistical physics, network science, and machine learning.

Social Data Science Skills: Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Network analysis, Complex systems  

SODAS projects:  Microdynamics of Influence in Social Systems, Social Fabric, Nation-scale social networks, HOPE
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Anders Blok. Photo: Kelton MinorAnders Blok is Professor in Environmental and Climate Sociology at the Department of Food and Resource Economics (Science), as well as a part-time SODAS affiliate. He works on civic environmental engagement and public climate debates, including by using and developing mixed digital methods. He is a founding member of the SODAS Climate research group.

Social Data Science Skills: Digital methods, Quali-quantitative methodologies, Science & technology studies (STS), Data infrastructures and politics

SODAS projects: SODAS ClimateCritical Algorithm Lab (CALL)DISTRACT, Risk Attention Ecologies

Andreas Bjerre NielsenAndreas Bjerre-Nielsen is Associate Professor at Department of Economics and SODAS. His research spans from investigating social networks and school matching to using Big Data for analyzing human mobility.

Social Data Science Skills: Machine learning in econometrics, Network modelling, Spatial data

SODAS projects: Social FabricNation-scale social networks
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David DreyerDavid Dreyer Lassen is Prorector of research at the University of Copenhagen and professor of Economics. He has received a Sapere Aude Research Leader grant (2011-5), an ERC Consolidator Grant (2013-7), and a 2016 Elite Researcher Award from the Danish Ministry of Education and Research. Most recently, he is co-PI of the ERC Advanced Grant project DISTRACT and the co-recipient of a Villum Synergy Grant. He is past Chairman of the Independent Research Fund Denmark, was Deputy Director of DNRF Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality, and was director of SODAS 2016-2020.

Social Data Science Skills: Combining big data and register data, data law and ethics, machine learning in the social sciences, quasi-experiments in social big data

SODAS projects: Mass Politics and Social Media, Social Fabric, Nation-scale social networks
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Robert Böhm is a Professor of Applied Social Psychology and Behavioral Science at the University of Copenhagen. His research focuses on human behavior in various social interactions, such as in intergroup conflict and violence, health behavior, and human-computer interaction.

Social Data Science Skills: surveys and experiments, economics and psychology of online behavior and human-computer interaction

SODAS projects: COVID-19 Snapshot MOnitoring in Denmark (COSMO Denmark)
Robert Böhm's personal webpage

Associate Professors

Frederik Hjorth. Photo: Kelton MinorFrederik Georg Hjorth is Associate Professor at the UCPH’s Department of Political Science. His research focuses on public opinion and voter behavior. His methodological work revolves around the analysis of unstructured data. Before taking up his position as Associate Professor, Frederik was a postdoc in the Digital Disinformation project.

Social Data Science Skills: Text as data, Combining survey and register data, Twitter data, Machine learning in the social sciences

SODAS projects: What do the Danes think, know and mean about the Corona Epidemic?The Dynamics of Political Discourse and Attention during the COVID-19 outbreak
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Hjalmar Alexander Bang Carlsen is an Associate Professor at SODAS. He works in the intersection between social data science, political sociology and pragmatism. He has 2 main projects 1) activists patterns of engagement 2) methodological issues within quantitative and qualitative text analysis, and especially their  combination.

Social Data Science Skills: Text Methodology, Digital Mixed Methods, Interactionism, Social Media

SODAS projects: Solidarity and Volunteering in the Corona CrisisThe Dynamics of Political Discourse and Attention during the COVID-19 outbreakCOVID-19 Snapshot MOnitoring in Denmark (COSMO Denmark)
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Kristoffer Albris. Photo: Kelton MinorKristoffer Albris is Head of Studies at the MSc. Social Data Science and an Associate Professor at the Department of Anthropology and SODAS. His research focuses on climate adaptation, disaster politics, crisis informatics, digital ethnography, data governance and attention in the digital age.

Social Data Science Skills: Digital ethnography, digital methods, text as data, data ethics, GDPR

SODAS projects: Data Governance after GDPR, DISTRACT, Risk Attention Ecologies

Assistant Professors

Clara Vandeweerdt is an Assistant Professor at SODAS and the Department of Political Science. Her research areas are political communication and political psychology, with a focus on on climate change. In particular, she studies how social identities inform people's political opinions. She has also used machine learning to understand how political talk radio content reacts to major events, and natural language processing methods to analyze the identities of people on Twitter.

Social Data Science Skills: causal identification, machine learning/natural language processing, Bayesian statistics, web scraping 

YevYevgeniy Golovchenko is an Assistant Professor at SODAS and at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen. His research interests include online disinformation, politics on social media and social network analysis.

Social Data Science Skills: Social network analysis, Text analysis, Mix methods, Russian social media
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Lau Lilleholt is an Assistant Professor at both the Department of Psychology, and the Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS). His primary research interests are behavioral ethics, judgment and decision-making, behavioral economics, and personality.

Social Data Science Skills: Online experiments and surveys, data analysis, machine learning.

SODAS projects: COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring in Denmark (COSMO Denmark).
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Rosa Lavelle-Hill is an assistant professor of social data science at both SODAS and the Department of Psychology. Her research interests lie in combining psychological theory and big data/machine learning methodologies to better understand human behaviour, with applications in social good domains. Rosa is particularly interested in how data-driven methods can help to inform or challenge existing theories in the social sciences.

Social Data Science Skills: Machine Learning, XAI, Big Data 

SODAS projects: Understanding Human Behaviour: From Prediction to Theory. 

Postdoctoral Researchers

Kristin Eggeling. Photo: Kelton MinorKristin Anabel Eggeling is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen. Her research interests are in practice theory, identity politics, diplomacy, interpretive methods and methodologies, ethnography, and fieldwork in International Relations. She currently works on an ERC-funded research project led by Prof Rebecca Adler-Nissen on diplomatic practices in the European Union.

Social Data Science Skills: Digital International Relations, ethnographic and interpretive analysis of digital data, practice methodologies


Josefine Bohr Brask is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Section for Ecology & Evolution, University of Copenhagen. She works across the areas of social behaviour, complex networks and behavioural ecology, with social networks as a central theme. Her current main focus is on the emergence of social structures and development of new generative network models.

Social data science skills: network modelling, network analysis, social evolution, animal social systems


Sandro Sousa is a Postdoctoral Researcher at SODAS and the Networks, Data, and Society (NERDS) Research group at IT University of Copenhagen. His research concentrates on quantitatively understanding urban and social systems through complex networks, mathematical models, numerical simulations, and high-dimensional data. He currently works on a project quantifying inequalities and bias in Science of Science through online randomised controlled experiments and analysis of large datasets of academic publications.
Social Data Science Skills: Socioeconomic inequality, complex systems, network modelling and analysis, large and spatial data analysis.
SODAS projects: Bias Explained: Pushing Algorithmic Fairness with Models and Experiments

Kelton Minor. Photo: Kelton MinorKelton Minor is a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Columbia University’s Data Science Institute (DSI), researching human adaptation to planetary risks and climate stressors. Kelton’s current research applies interdisciplinary methods from spatial data science and computational social science to analyze complex human responses to global environmental changes in the earth’s atmosphere, biosphere and cybersphere. 

He serves as a member of The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change’s Working Group 1, and is developing social media-based indicators to monitor expressed emotional responses to local climate extremes across nearly every county globally. Kelton received a Ph.D. in Planetary Social and Behavioral Data Science at SODAS and was a visiting researcher at the University of California Berkeley’s Global Policy Laboratory. He previously was a US-Denmark Fulbright grant recipient and received his M.S. in Human Environment Relations from Cornell University.
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PhD Students

Anna Helene Kvist Møller is a PhD student at SODAS. She has a Masters in Sociology from UCPH. In her research she bridges visual sociology with digital methods to explore how individuals use images to connect, interpret, communicate and to distinguish themselves from or imitate others, on social media platforms.

Social Data Science Skills: Images as data, visual methods, cultural analytics, digital network analysis, computer vision.

SODAS projects: DISTRACTDIPLOFACEDigital Disinformation, 

Nicklas Johansen is a PhD fellow in Social Data Science at University of Copenhagen. His research focuses on social behaviour in democratic states during the COVID-19 epidemic, using methods from economics and data science. He has been studying mobility in relation to governmental trust and estimatation of digital mis- and disinformation. His research is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation as part of the HOPE project.

Social Data Science Skills: Data Mining, Data Analysis, Text as data, Networks, Digital mis- and disinformation.

SODAS projects: HOPE

Germans Savčišens is a PhD at DTU Compute. His research focuses on representations of social behaviour and how such representations can be used to project life outcomes (e.g. income, education, health outcomes, unemployment, and etc.). He holds a BSc in Human-Computer Interaction from Aalborg University and a MSc in Human-centered Artificial intelligence from DTU. 

Social Data Science Skills: Machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing and personal data. 

SODAS projects: Nation-scale social networks 

Malene HornstrupMalene Hornstrup Jespersen is a PhD student in Social Data Science. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and a Master’s degree in It and Cognition. Her research focuses on digital disconnection practices as well as discourses and values tied to these practices. The PhD forms part of the ERC-funded project DISTRACT: The Political Economy of Attention in Digitized Denmark. 

Social Data Science Skills: Natural language processing, large scale data analysis, cognitive science, ethnography, and computational social science


TobiasTobias Gabel Christiansen is a PhD student at the Department of Economics. He holds an M.Phil in Economic Research from University of Cambridge. Tobias is employed by The Danish Ministry of Taxation, and his research aims at improving the efficiency of tax audits using methods at the intersection of econometrics and machine learning.

Social Data Science Skills: Machine Learning for Causal Inference, Machine Learning in Econometrics, Heterogenous Treatment Effects, Tax Administration

Peter Edsberg Møllgaard is a PhD at DTU Compute. His research focuses on understanding human behaviour and mobility through big data using machine learning. One of his major aims is to better understand the behavioural changes that has happened during Covid-19. Peter holds a BSc in Mathematics and Technology from The Technical University of Denmark and a MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Computation from the Technical University of Denmark. 

Social Data Science skills: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analysis and Human Mobility Networks.

SODAS projects: HOPE

August Lohse is a PhD student in Social Data Science at SODAS. He holds a MSc in political science from the University of Copenhagen. August's research in concerned with how, when and why different issues become politically salient and who gets to control this issue attention. Other research interest are political behavior, trolling, conspiracy theories and misinformation. The PhD is part of the ERC-funded project DISTRACT: The Political Economy of Attention in Digitized Denmark, with his work mainly focusing on subproject 1: Politics.

Social Data Science Skills: Machine learning, Deep learning, Images-as-data, Computer vision, Text-as-data, Data analysis, Web-scraping, Automation, Timeseries analysis.

                                           SODAS projects: DISTRACT

Jeppe Søndergaard Johansen is a Phd student at SODAS. He holds a MSc in Economics from UCPH. His current research involves heterogenous treatment effects of education and is part of the new research unit UDDanKvant. He aims his research to address how to more effectively allocate resources in the education space.

Social Data Science Skills: Machine learning, statistical modelling, causal inference and matching algorithms.

Ole Teutloff is a PhD fellow in Social Data Science at SODAS and the University of Edinburgh. He holds an MSc in Social Data Science from Oxford University and a Master of Public Policy from the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. In his research, he investigates the impact of digital technologies on labour markets. He uses a mix of data science methods to create data-driven insights on skill development, job polarisation and income inequality in times of technological disruption.

Skills: Data Science for Policy-making, Network Science, Web Scraping, Applied Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
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Magnus Lindgaard Nielsen is a PhD student at SODAS. He holds a BSc in Economics and is currently finishing his Master’s degree in Economics alongside his PhD studies. His research focuses on explaining how our social networks influence a diverse range of life outcomes utilizing registry data and a combination of predictive modelling and causal inference using natural experiments. The PhD forms part of the project Nation-scale social networks.

Social Data Science Skills: Machine learning, microeconometrics, computational social science, causal inference.

 SODAS projects: Nation-scale social networks

Johanna Einsiedler is a PhD student in Social Data Science. She holds an MSc in Economics from the Vienna University of Economics and Business. In her research she analyses registry data by using network models and applying machine learning methods in order to infer causal relationships and make predictions. The PhD project is part of the nation-scale networks project.

Social Data Science Skills: Machine learning, microeconometrics, network science, sensor data analysis, computational social science.

SODAS projects: Nation-scale social networks

Simon Ullrich is a PhD student in the “Risk Attention Ecologies” project. He studies how actors connect the climate crisis and the coronavirus situation in a research approach that combines digital methods, SNA, and netnography.

Social Data Science Skills: ethnography, netnography, digital methods, STS, problematization analysis

SODAS project: Risk Attention Ecologies

Sofie Læbo Astrupgaard is a PhD student at SODAS. She has a BSc in Anthropology, and is currently finishing her Master’s degree in Social Data Science alongside her PhD studies. Sofie’s research focuses on practices and regulations related to use of digital devices in workplaces and schools. Her PhD is part of the ERC-funded project DISTRACT: The Political Economy of Attention in Digitized Denmark, where she is part of Subproject 4 – Regulating Distraction.

Social Data Science Skills: Natural language processing, digital network analyses, large scale data analysis, ethnography, development of computational ethnographic approaches.


Ella Jacobsen is a Ph.D. student at the math department of the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with SODAS. She holds a M.Sc. in Physics from the University of Copenhagen. At SODAS, she is affiliated with the nation-scale project, with the goal of applying causal inference techniques on Danish registry data.

Social Data Science skills: machine learning, scraping, causal inference techniques.

Marilena Hohmann is a PhD Student in Social Data Science at SODAS and the University of Edinburgh. Drawing on a combination of network science methods and political science theory, she studies opinion dynamics and political polarization in social networks. Her PhD project quantitatively investigates ideological and affective aspects of political polarization using large-scale social media data. Marilena holds an MSc in Social Data Science (University of Copenhagen), and a BA in Media and Communication Studies (Freie Universität Berlin and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).

Social Data Science Skills: quantitative network analysis, large-scale data analysis, social media data, computational communication studies

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Zoe Horlacher is a PhD student at SODAS. She holds an MSc in Cognitive and Decision Sciences from University College London and an MA (Honours) in Sustainable Development from the University of St Andrews. Her main research interests lie at the intersection of environmental psychological theory and social data science. Zoe is specifically interested in using natural language processing to create data-driven insights into cross-cultural sustainability perceptions, as well as pro-environmental personality traits and emotions.

Social Data Science skills: Data science for environmental psychology, natural language processing, cognitive science, quali-quantitative methodology.

DanielDaniel Juhász Vigild is a PhD student as SODAS and ROCKWOOL Foundation Research Unit. He holds a Msc. in Business Analytics from DTU. 
His research examines the digitalization of the public sector, with a focus on quantifying the productivity enhancements and potential social costs of implementing digital initiatives. 
He is currently examining the effect of implementing POL-INTEL, an intelligence-led policing tool implemented in Denmark in 2018.

Social Data Science skills: Machine learning, statistics, causal inference and visualization.

Portræt Jacob A. Dalsgaard

Jacob Aarup Dalsgaard is a Phd student at SODAS. He holds a BSc in Cognitive Science and Mathematics from Aarhus University and an MSc in Data Science from the IT University of Copenhagen. His research focusses on algorithmic fairness in a Science of Science context and aims to develop new models to understand inequality and improve the fairness of algorithms through de-biased impact measures.
SODAS projects: BiasExplained: Pushing Algorithmic Fairness with Models and Experiments
Social Data Science Skills: Algorithmic Fairness, Recommender Systems, Network Science, Information Retrieval, Deep Learning.

V H PortrætVincent Holler Gadegaard is a PhD student at SODAS. He holds a MSc in Sociology from the University of Copenhagen. In his research, he is concerned with gender differences in political deliberative participation on social media, with the aim to develop new methodologies to researching interaction and gender in political deliberation on social media.
The PhD project is part of the Data+ funded GENDERED project: A Social Data Science approach to gender stratification and differences in political participation on Social Media.
Skills: Natural Language Processing (NLP), Text and Interaction analysis, Theoretical concepts, and Social Media and political deliberation.

Marten Appel
Marten Appel is a PhD student in Social Data Science at SODAS, specializing in understanding what factors drive and predict human cooperation. He holds an M.Sc. in Political Science from Aarhus University. His current research focuses on predicting human cooperation within economic games and assessing whether our measures of cooperation reflect real-world behavior. His PhD project contributes to the broader project 'Understanding Human Behavior: From Prediction to Theory'.

Social Data Science Skills: Machine learning, Laboratory and Online Experiments, Web scraping.
Marten Appel

Anders Weile Larsen is a visiting PhD from ITU, working with Roberta Sinatra (KU, SODAS) and Vedran Sekara (ITU, NERDS) on a project which aims to uncover the fundamental limits for predicting human behavior and social systems. He holds a BSc in Cognitive Science and Sociology from Aarhus University and a a MSc in Social Data Science from the University of Copenhagen. Anders’ PhD is funded by the Danish Pioneer Centre for AI, where he is also affiliated.


Social Data Science Skills: Machine Learning, Network Science, Information Theory.


Esther Chemnitz is a visiting PhD student from Political Science at Aarhus University where she is a part of Michael Bang Petersen's ROPH project (Research on Online Political Hostility). She holds a BA in Film and Media Studies and an MA in Cognition and Communication. Her research combines media theories of context collapse and cognitive theories of language-use. In her dissertation she asks how social media users' assumptions about the political beliefs of their online audience affect the way they tailor their utterances. She also studies the potentially polarizing effect of political utterances being formulated for one audience but received by another. 

Data Lab

Picture of JosephJoseph Burgess is a Data Steward at SODAS and the Team Leader at the Social Science Data Lab, which assists faculty in data management and compliance.  In his research support work, he prioritizes infrastructure for storage of research projects and datasets, setting up data management agreements, compliance, and archival. Outside of research support, he is interested in the intersection of election administration and social data science.

Social data science skills: Data management and long-term archival, data privacy and ethics, online surveys, polling, and non-probability sampling.

Picture of Yani

Yani Kartalis, is a postdoctoral researcher at the Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS) and a Data Steward at the Center’s Social Science Data Lab. His research interests lie in the fields of representation, parliaments, political parties, and data social science more broadly. He uses a multitude of parliamentary data to examine the ways representatives use parliamentary tools to represent their constituents. In the DataLab he is responsible for building social data science research capacity at the Faculty of Social Sciences and foster better data management practices. His tasks include assisting the faculty with various individual research tasks, from data mining to analysis, as well as facilitating collaboration among faculty members.

Social Data Science Skills: Text-as-Data, Natural Language Processing, Data mining (Web Scraping, OCR) and analysis (Quantitative methods, Modelling)

Siri Völker

Siri Völker is a Data Manager at the Social Sciences Data Lab. She has a background in social sciences research and research data management, and assists the researchers at the Faculty of Social Sciences in managing quantitative as well as qualitative research data. Outside of research data management (RDM) support, she is interested in social movements and critical data studies.
Skills: Research Data Management, Data Management Plans (DMPs), Data Ethics, Data Sharing, and Archiving.

Siri Völker

Christian Holm is a Data Manager at SODAS and holds a MSc in Sociology from UCPH. His professional background includes working with information security and risk management in large organizations. He is currently working on conducting ISO-27001 risk assessments across faculty, while also assisting researchers with various aspects of information security.

Social data science skills: Data protection, information security, compliance, risk management, data analysis

Research Assistants


Emilie Munch-Gregersen, M.Sc. in Social Data Science from KU, is a research assistant at SODAS with a background in anthropology and social data science. Her work centers around applying computational methods to ethnographic text data, and she is currently coordinating the development and testing of EthNote Beta, a new digital tool for the collection, sharing, and processing of qualitative data.

Social data science skills: Ethnographic methods, digital methods, data analysis, natural language processing, network science methods.                                                                                                         


picture of tobias

Tobias Gårdhus, MSc in Sociology from KU, is a research assistant at SODAS with a background in sociology and a focus on applying digital methods within computational social science. His work centers on examining political communication and the dynamics of public attention, often through the lens of social data gathered from various online platforms. His interests extend to enhancing social science research through software development, and he is currently working on expanding the social science toolkit with large language models.

Social data science skills: Data analysis, digital methods, web scraping, web development.


PortrætJonas Skjold Raaschou-Pedersen, M.Sc. in Economics, KU.


Elisabetta Salvai is a research assistant at SODAS and holds an MSc in Physics of Complex Systems from the University of Turin, Italy. Her work centers around applying complex systems methods to uncover and explore bias existing in data and machine learning algorithms. She is currently working on the study of fairness in rankings of networks with binary attributes.

Social data science skills: Data analysis, network science methods and analysis, machine learning techniques, computational modeling of dynamical processes.



Asger Hans Thomsen holds an MSc in Sociology from the University of Copenhagen. He specializes in digital and quantitative methodologies, such as network science and natural language processing. His expertise spans various data forms and projects, including analyzing the impact of digital density on crime rates, studying peer effects on well-being, scraping data from various platforms, and analyzing and gathering biometric data. Currently, he works as a research assistant on ClimAct, mapping the climate debate in Denmark through various data science techniques and data sources.

Social data science skills: Data gathering, network science, digital methods.



Tereza Blažková is a research assistant at SODAS with a background in sociology, economics, and social data science. Previously, her work centered on employing computational social science methods to analyze discussions on sustainability topics through the lens of stakeholder theory. Currently, she focuses on researching educational pathways and algorithmic fairness within predictive analytics in education. Her academic interests revolve around responsible AI, algorithmic fairness, algorithm auditing, data governance, and education data science.

Social data science skills: Algorithmic fairness, computational social science, data analysis, machine learning, natural language processing.


Anna Maria Fjordbøge is Center Administrator at SODAS. M.Sc. in Anthropology.

PortrætKaroline Husbond Andersen is Research and PhD Course Coordinator. M.Sc. in Anthropology

David Broomham is the Study Administrator of the MSc in Social Data Science.

Student Assistants 

picture of Benjamin Kohler

Benjamin Kohler, Master student in Social Data Science, KU.

Assistant at Nation-scale social networks.

picture of frederikFrederik Winther Barkholt, Master student in Social Data Science, KU.

picture of frederikFrederik Bredgaard, Master student in Social Data Science, KU.

picture of sofia

Sofia Tang Nussbaumer, Master student in Psychology, KU.


Asger Balsby Kromand, Master student in Social Data Science, KU.

Toni Foto

Toni Teschke, Master student in Theoretical High Energy Physics, KU.

picture of davidSemra Yuksel Gyuven, SDS student assistant, Master Student in Social Data Science, KU.

Laurits Høegh Christiansen

Laurits Høegh Christiansen, DataLab student assistant, Bachelor student in Economics, KU.

Malte Ro Buchwald

Malte Ro Buchwald, student assistant on Nation Scale, Bachelor Student in Machine Learning and Datascience, DIKU, Master in philosophy from KU.

ro magnadottir

Ró Holm Magnadóttir, Bachelor student in Anthropology, KU.


Moritz Johanning, Master student in Social Data Science, KU.

Student Assistant at Nation-scale social networks.


No current interns.

SODAS Fellows

Laura Alessandretti is Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Denmark and she hold a visiting position at SODAS. She uses large-scale digital data to study aspects of human behaviour, exploiting techniques from physics of complex systems, statistics, and machine learning. Key topics of interest include: Human Mobility, Digital Markets, Smartphone application usage

keywords: Human Mobility, Blockchain-based ecosystems, Network Science, Spatio-temporal data
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Friedolin Merhout. Photo: Kelton MinorFriedolin Merhout is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology. He uses computational and experimental methods to examine intergroup relations such as between immigrants and natives, political partisans, or religious groups. His research leverages digital trace, text, survey, and administrative data.

Social Data Science Skills: Online experiments, statistical disclosure control, text as data, web scraping (browser automation and APIs).

SODAS projects: The Dynamics of Political Discourse and Attention during the COVID-19 outbreakCOVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring in Denmark (COSMO Denmark)
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Samantha Breslin. Photo: Kelton MinorSamantha Breslin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology. Her research centres the production of norms and values in and through computing and data cultures and technologies, particularly in relation to political economy and gender.

Social Data Science Skills: Feminist technology studies, Data ethics, Ethnography of computing cultures, Human computer interaction.

SODAS projects: The Dynamics of Political Discourse and Attention during the COVID-19 outbreak
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Gregory Eady, 140x174Gregory Eady is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science. His substantive research agenda focuses on political behavior on social media, and his methodological work on developing quantitative methods and software for analyzing social media and public opinion survey data.

Social Data Science Skills: Social media data analysis, scaling and measurement, machine learning for the social sciences

Nikolaj Harmon is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. He studies a wide range of labor market topics, including job search, gender inequality and selection into politics and public service. His research combines novel data sources with state-of-the art causal inference methods and machine learning.

Social data science skills: Causal inference, Administrative data, Machine learning in the social sciences


Anna Sapienza is an Assistant Professor at the department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DISIT) of the University of Eastern Piedmont in Italy. She holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy. Her research is focused on modelling human behaviour in online environments, e.g., online social networks, mobile applications, and games, via high-dimensional digital traces. She collaborates with researchers at the Center for Social Data Science (SODAS) of the University of Copenhagen, and at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Technical University of Denmark, studying smartphone usage and characteristics leading to user engagement. Her research interests stay at the intersection between computational social science, data science, and complex systems.

Social Data Science Skills: Online Social Behaviour, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Social Network Analysis
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